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Dr. George E. Conway

President, IES Consulting

George Conway is a former Principal at Heidrick and Struggles where he headed the Schools Practice. He is now the President of Independent Educational Services (IES), an executive search and leadership advisory firm specializing in independent schools, colleges and non-profits.

George's consulting experience includes executive searches, leadership assessments, executive contract review, executive coaching, and institutional planning. As a Trusted Advisor, he frequently consults with mission-driven organizations on executive effectiveness and good governance.

For 24 years prior to entering search and consulting, George was Headmaster of St. Anne's-Belfield School, a large independent day and boarding school in Charlottesville, Virginia. Under his leadership enrollment grew from 319 students to 865, the learning and athletic space was doubled and over $30 million was raised. Prior to becoming Headmaster, he was Chaplain and Director of Admission at Woodberry Forest School, and Chaplain at The Hotchkiss School. He began his independent school career as a teacher and coach at Princeton Day School.

While at St. Anne's-Belfield, George served on the Potomac School Board of Trustees, he worked with public schools on teacher licensure and education school accreditation as Chair of the ABTEL board and was elected President of the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. He has advised two Governors of Virginia, one Republican and one Democrat, on educational issues. He serves on the Virginia Bar Association Committee on Special Issues of State and National Importance. In 1989, he was chosen as the only independent school educator to brief President George H. W. Bush prior to the first Education Summit.

George has published articles in professional journals on school size and succession planning. He is a Presbyterian minister and is the author of Giving Good Gifts: The Spiritual Journey of Parenthood.

George holds a BA degree from Wilkes University, a M. Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary and a D. Min. degree from Boston University.

“Impressively, George made himself available to all, and was open and attentive to discuss issues, regardless of their magnitude, at any time.”

Vice Chair, Board of Directors:  Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center

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Washington, DC | Charlottesville, Virginia

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